• Time Saving at the Gym

    Hi everyone! I’m back in the gym after two and a half weeks! I can tell you that aside from being extremely sore, I have a new tool to help me stay organized and motivated. Yes, I just referred to my new gym bag as a tool and, yes, I said it keeps me motivated! I’ve been on the hunt for a gym bag that is compact enough to carry to-and-from work while offering ample storage. This bag has interior and exterior compartments for your phone, travel-size toiletries and sweaty garments you might want to keep tucked away. The size is perfect, being large enough to fit all my stuff…

  • Work/Life Balance

    If you are like me, it can be tough to balance work, play, and wellness. There are some weeks where I feel like my life is all business and others where fitness and experimenting with healthy recipes are the focus, and others still that I just want to “Netflix and chill”. We all have obligations to family, friends as well as ourselves, so how do you do it all and still have balance? This is an on-going discovery for me, but the truth is it’s really not that hard and I have found a few strategies that help me stay organized and less stressed. Pre-Plan Your Week One of the…

  • Intentional Commitment

    Hi everyone! 2019 already feels different. This year, there is just something new in the air. Maybe it’s the political and social climate in which we now find ourselves, maybe it’s the renewed boom in entrepreneurship and tech. Whatever the case, people are committing their thoughts, opinions, and actions to make changes. I have also chosen to commit this year—the commitment to investing in myself! I am choosing me this year. At times, I have poured into others with little to no return, but if I know that I am a good investment why wouldn’t I give myself the same support, if not more?  “Investing in yourself is about more than just money. It’s about sacrificing the…

  • 5 Work From Home Tips

    Hi everyone! Working from home can sometimes be more challenging than going to “the office”. There are many things vying for your attention at home: television, kids, comfortable beds, a fridge full of food, personal phone calls. I have recently been working from home and I absolutely LOVE it, but I quickly realized there were a few things I needed to do in order to help me feel my best and most productive self. I want to share my top 5 tips with you. Tip #1: Claim Your Space. Depending on the layout of your home, a room with a door or sitting upright at a table decreases distractions and signals to your…