• 5 Ways to Stay Motivated

    With all the things that we have to do on a daily basis—and the new stuff that gets added randomly—staying motivated is a job in and of itself. You start off excited, or at least determined, to check off those boxes but as time ticks by, and new challenge rise, that level of energy starts to wane. Suddenly, you have every excuse in the world to justify why something can’t get done. I don’t have the time; there aren’t enough resources to get this off the ground; I’m tired; I’ll do it tomorrow; I’m the only one who cares about this. Blah blah blah! Sound familiar? That squishy pink thing…

  • Personal Brand

    Hey guys! So, you don’t think you have a brand? Well, I beg to differ! You don’t need to own a company to own a brand. It’s what I like to call your personal brand, and everybody has one! You are the President, CEO, CFO, CMO, administrative assistant, PR manager, and everything in between! The question isn’t do I have a personal brand, but rather, what is my personal brand? 24/7 you are the face and spokesperson for your personal brand. You dictate the mission statement, set the operating hours and establish the policies and procedures by which you will function. Before I share seven things successful brand ambassadors do,…

  • How to Be More Productive at Work

    Hey everyone! Whether you work in an office building, outside, at home or somewhere in between, being your most productive self at work can be a challenge. For many of us, we spend the standard 40 hours [if not more] per week working, but not getting nearly enough done. Being more productive at work reduces stress, helps you stay more organized and improves your attitude. Who doesn’t want a little more of that? The idea of getting more done at work without stress or long hours sounds appealing; but how do you get there? Here are a few things you can do now to help you be more productive. Curate…

  • How to Stand Out from the Crowd

    Nowadays, it seems like we are living in a society of people doing and wearing whatever—and being whomever—they want. Despite this group of brave people “doing them”, there is a larger number of people who are under pressure to adopt a predetermined set of social norms to be accepted. Don’t go against the grain. Go with the flow. Don’t rock the boat. These are just a few phrases I can hear in my head right now. Have you ever felt like that in life? Has anyone ever said those words to you? At the risk of sounding like a high school valedictorian, I say, that your particular presence on this earth cannot be…

  • Effective Goal Setting

    Hi everyone! If you’re like me, ideas pop into your head all day every day. What if I did this? or I want to write that or I have to make those! As a creative professional with 15 years of experience in the art, design and marketing world, I can tell you that an artist’s brain NEVER stops working, visualizing, creating. It can get pretty overwhelming at times. In particular, I have a tendency to attach a goal to every idea. What usually ends up happening is, I get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of it all, stop and then do none of it. I recently watched a video where…

  • Consistency Is Key

    Do you struggle with setting goals and carrying them through to the end? If you missed my previous post, click here to read my perspective on limited goal-setting. Consistency is the next figure in the equation for reaching your goals. In my head the diagram looks something like this: Effective Goal Setting + Consistency = Positive Goal Achievement I tend to get hung up on the beautiful finished product that first popped into my head. For example, I want to create a t-shirt line and the first thing that pops into my head—as an artist—is, of course, the design. I think, “that would make a dope t-shirt” and “I know people would…

  • Meal Prep Like a Pro

    Hello everyone, Yesterday, I gave a presentation on meal prep and its benefits. The number one benefit for me is saving time. I’m always happy to share what meal(s) I have put together for the week—hopefully offering some inspiration for your own meal prep. In the video below I am preparing a quick and easy pasta salad lunch prep. My 5-Day Meal Prep Planner I’ve put together a FREE 5-day meal prep worksheet that you can use to track your meal prep, ingredients and macros for the week, I am also giving away a FREE recipe for one of my favorite dinners to prep…that’s a 2-for-1! Pasta Salad Meal Prep

  • Honing Your Craft

    Hello everyone! It feels like entrepreneurship is in the air lately! Everywhere I look I see people going into business for themselves, producing multiple streams of income and watering the rivers to financial freedom. As a full-time and part-time marketing and design professional, my brain is working 24/7. I work full time as a Senior Marketing Specialist for the largest commercial real estate company in the world, and part-time I am a marketing and design business owner. This year, I am setting my business goals as a priority and honing my craft as a content creator. Watch the MG Live REPLAY: Honing Your Craft When I look up the word…

  • 5 Tips to Save Time in the Morning

    Hello everyone! Are you like me, throwing things together in the morning and praying to make it out the door in time for your morning commute? Well, I for one got tired of lurching out of bed and scrambling around the house only to walk into work with the “sorry I’m late” face. I decided I HAD to do something different if I wanted a different result. So, I thought about all the things I do before walking out the door in the morning and what tactics I could apply to help me accomplish them. Here are five tips to help save time in the morning: 1 | PREPARE MEALS…

  • 4 Tips for Eating Out with Success!

    Hello Everyone! This past weekend I went out for a little post-birthday dinner to Fridays with some friends and it occurred to me that our outing would make a great blog post! Eating out while you’re following a fitness program or just trying to be healthy is hard! It is far easier to plan and stay disciplined in the comfort of your own home or lunch bag. When eating out, you don’t have the benefit of knowing how your food was prepared and even when you make a good choice, the portions are often 2-3x what you should eat in one sitting. I implemented some tips that I wanted to…