4 Things I Learned When Launching My T-Shirt Brand

Hi guys!
So, yesterday I did a thing. I believed in myself long enough to stay the course (as my mom would say) and cross the finish line. I finally launched my t-shirt brand MDGTs!
I’ve been wanting to create t-shirts for YEARS but the first time I started creating designs, and wrote my business plan, was back in 2015. The reason you haven’t heard of a bustling business is because I let the fear of success, insecurity in my gift, and the overwhelm of a well-saturated market stop me. So, this has been a long time coming!
You know I write about personal brand and leveling up with practical strategies. I had to ask myself, how can I dole out advice I am not taking? How can I inspire others to take a chance and invest in themselves if I don’t eat my own cooking?
There are a few things I’ve learned, and am still learning, through this process of launching that I want to share my top three:
Just hit the button.
I have a propensity of wanting to have all my ducks in a row before pulling the trigger. While in some cases that is prudent, it’s not necessarily conducive to risk-taking. I did plan of course (researching manufacturers, selecting a platform, etc.) but after a certain point, I had to just hit the button! Let go and press start! And guess what, there is still plenty of work to do but if you don’t take the first step, you’ll never go anywhere.
Courage is not the absence of fear.
I mentioned that fear of success was something I struggled with throughout my journey to now. I think a lot. Sometimes to my own detriment. I actually had a thought that orders would come pouring in and I wouldn’t be able to keep up with demand! I know I’m not alone. Drop me a comment below if you also talk yourself out of success. Is the imposter syndrome ringing any bells for anyone?
Courage doesn’t mean you’re not afraid, it just means you’re not going to let fear paralyze your progress. I still get concerned about what’s going to happen when the brand takes off (yes, speaking that into existence). But then, I think of the strategies I would advise to any successful brand. Breathe first (don’t underestimate breathing!), connect back with your mission/purpose, review the business plan and make adjustments, and hire help! My concerns haven’t necessarily left me but I’m no longer letting them paralyze me.
Be yourself, and the rest will follow.

If there is one thing consumers can smell a mile away, it’s inauthentic people and brands. Authenticity goes a loooong way in establishing client trust and retention.
I’ll let you in on another limiting thought I had, “everyone and his mother is doing t-shirts, why should I? How will I stand out from the crowd?” The answer I told myself was simple, no one else can do what I do, the way I do it. Even if it’s been done before! Be confident in your offering, from your perspective, in your own creative way, and people will connect with your brand.
Ask for help.
No man is an island. I had, and still have, and probably will always have, questions; and I couldn’t restrict my research to Google. In my fear of appearing to be a copycat or looking stupid, I tried to figure everything out on my own. That led to an overwhelming amount of information and misused time. I realized that I had to be open and humble enough to call on others already operating in this space for advice and guidance. People I knew wouldn’t be threatened by my inquiries but would genuinely welcome the sharing and collaboration of knowledge.
I thank you and I’ll probably call you again!

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